I think a lot of people overemphasize the importance of converting a MAGA enthusiast into an ally. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for accepting people who recognize the error of their ways. But there’s realistically not much return to be had there. The important conversions are:
- Low-information Trump voters/casual supporters -> Anti-Trump
It’s estimated that around 25% of people who voted for Trump in 2024 fall into this category. People who voted for Trump but don’t consider themselves MAGA. These are the “price of eggs” voters. Maybe some gen z bros who wanted their crypto to go up and got convinced by right coded pod casters that Trump wasn’t a monster. We want to convert them into voters that vote against MAGA or stay home.
- Anti-Trump observers -> Anti-Trump activists
All movements have people who are ideologically aligned but do not actively participate. It’s no small thing for someone to decide that they want or need to take an active role.
- People who didn’t vote -> Anti-trump voters
In a recent poll, 89% of people who didn’t vote said they disapproved of Trump’s job performance. The way to overcome their apathy and get them out to vote is to support candidates with progressive agendas that they feel will have a material impact on improving their lives. The “hey, at least we’re better than those assholes” strategy might win Dems some races in the short term but long term success means actually bringing about positive economic change. This also means tapping into anti-establishment feelings that run deep within society.
All the arguments in the OP are true and are worth stating. They will help people with lower exposure to politics see the forest for the trees. However no one drinking the MAGA kool-aid is gonna say “Yeah this lib who is talking down to me, they’re right and everything I believe is wrong”.
I’d also mention that the Dems are profoundly unpopular right now. I can’t tell you many Trump voters I’ve talked to the past few weeks that have a short circuit when I tell them that I hate the Dems too, probably more than they do. Many Trump voters (and non-voters for that matter) are as Anti-Dem as they are Pro-Trump, if not moreso.
I’m not sure how to convince these people to vote for a Democrat in the short term. Even if in the long term the goal is a new party or a radical restructuring of the current one.
I don’t know anymore. We should welcome like minded people, but at what point is too much tolerance that lets more rights be taken away?
I try to remember that most of them are legitimately brainwashed into an actual cult, and stuck in one hell of a bubble. There’s certainly a lot of underlying prejudice at play–this is America we are talking about, after all–but they are also being misled. Lest we forget the real perpetrators of Jan 6th, who have yet to be punished; I have a hard time imagining I’d have taken a different course of action from those rioters if I truly thought an election had been stolen and no one in power was doing anything.
That said…I think many of these people are beyond help at this point. At least as far as interactions with non-family/friends goes. Use your best judgement when interacting with them, eh.
I’m convinced that some of them actually do know what is going on behind the scenes, and is supporting it regardless of status. Some people really do want to see the world burn.
My question to the potential pro-Trump republican lurker in here: is this really what you want? Are you sure you know what you are doing? You get the right wing’s wet dream, but at what cost?